Staff and Volunteer Survey

The Tree House FRC - Deer Lake Site

Please take a few minutes to respond to this survey. The purpose of this survey is to obtain information about the experiences of staff members and volunteers and to obtain their thoughts about certain aspects of this centre's operations. Your responses will provide feedback to this centre and we will also forward the information to the Canadian Association of Family Resource Programs in order to build a cross-Canada picture of Family Resource Programs.

Your information is provided anonymously and when we pull all responses together it will not be possible to identify any individual participant's answers. You are under no obligation to take part in this survey. If you agree to participate, you can skip any question you would rather not answer.

First we would like to ask you about your experiences as an employee or volunteer with this centre. Please indicate the extent to which you agree or disagree with each of the following items.

  Strongly Disagree     Neither Agree nor Disagree     Strongly Agree Does Not Apply
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7  

1. My work at this centre is meaningful to me and contributes to the organization.

2. When I wish to do so, there are opportunities for me to become involved in day-to-day program decisions, strategic planning, policy-making and program development.

3. This organization provides opportunities for me to develop my knowledge or skills.

4. Workplace policies and procedures take the needs of staff members and volunteers into consideration.

Next we would like to ask you about your opinions regarding certain aspects of this centre's operations.

  Strongly Disagree     Neither Agree nor Disagree     Strongly Agree Does Not Apply
  1 2 3 4 5 6 7  

5. The policies of this centre reflect family support principles.

6. The policies of this centre provide clear guidance and direction to staff and volunteers.

7. Stakeholders and community partners support this organization.

8. Stakeholders and partners seem satisifed with the services offered by the centre.

9. This organization engages in partnerships that enable it to provide enhanced services.

In the following section we would like to ask you about your background. Please feel free to omit any questions you would rather not answer.

10. Your age at last birthday:
11. What is your gender?
12. How many years of experience do you have in the family support field?
13. How many years have you worked or volunteered with this centre?
14. What is the highest level of education you have completed?
Primary School
Secondary School
College or technical diploma
University degree
Postgraduate degree
15. At present, I am a:
Full time staff member
Part time staff member

16. Please use this space to explain any of your answers, or to share any comments or ideas about your work at this centre:








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